Friday 3 August 2012

Lemon Meringue Pie

Dear Diary,

I have recently decided to go round to my grandmas and bake with her, she has so many tricks that I felt I was just being silly by not learning them. I ended up having to make little notes of things she was saying just so I could try and remember them all!

We decided to start with 2 things that I had never made, pastry and meringue, and came up with lemon meringue pie all from scratch. To do that we started with a short crust pastry, something I thought was much harder that it turned out to be.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Chocolate and Caramel layer cake

Dear Diary,

After the simple layer cake last time me and my baking friends decided to go for the fancy one we saw a recipe for, so the Chocolate and Caramel layer cake came along!

Friday 27 July 2012

Chocolate and Vanilla 4 layer cake

Dear Diary

I wanted to make a layer cake but couldn't find one anywhere that was just chocolate and vanilla so decided to make my own up!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Chilli in Jacket Potato

Dear Diary,

I have been making chilli for years and it is something I always fall back on when I need to make something with scraps of ingredients, and somehow it always works out pretty well! I have been asked for a while to let people know how I do it so (even though it doesn’t look very pretty) I’ve decided to give it ago.

Friday 20 July 2012

Jam Tarts

Dear Diary,

There was some leftover pastry from a previous pie made and so we decided to use it up and made some little jam tarts. I wanted to make something that wasn’t lemon as some people don’t like it so decided to go for jam J

Friday 13 July 2012

Skittles cake

Dear Diary,

This is just a little post about a cake that my baking friend made for one of our friends 21st birthday.

Cheats Pizza

Dear Diary,

I'm afraid to say I cheated today L I wanted to make a pizza but didn’t have the time to make the dough or any sauce so I tried it the easy way.
Finished pizza

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Naughty Chocolate Fudge Cake

Dear Diary,

My friend had a recipe for a cake that she wanted to give a go so we decided to see what we could do :) Id never made a cake with all sides covered by icing so I was quite looking forward to it, I have always enjoyed baking at her house as her sister bakes so there are always lots of pretty things to play with when baking!

Friday 29 June 2012

So many brownies!!!

Dear Diary,
I have not made brownies for years and my little sister is constantly commenting that hers are better (its all she can make) and the picture also looked really nice and pretty :D Sounded like a plan to me!


Monday 25 June 2012

Cute as a cupcake

Dear Diary,

I haven’t crocheted since I began last year, and since I'm always being told that I start a hobby and then flit to something else soon after I decided to proven them all wrong and do it again :P and try and tell everyone that it means that it is a good hobby as I keep coming back to it, and that’s why I can spend as much as I do on it....

Amigurumi Cupake

Pizza from scratch

Dear Diary,

It was pizza time today, I hadn’t made a pizza in a while so I decided to go crazy and make one all from scratch. Never one to do things by half I made a dough (first time) and a sauce for it (first time but not really that hard!) then just a nice topping.

From scratch...

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Dear Diary,

Decided to make a cake today. I have a friend’s 21st birthday coming up and I promised him something with lemon in it so I made a lemon drizzle cake. I don’t get to play with the ingredient very much as the people I normal bake for don’t like it!

Lemon Drizzle Cake