Friday 27 July 2012

Chocolate and Vanilla 4 layer cake

Dear Diary

I wanted to make a layer cake but couldn't find one anywhere that was just chocolate and vanilla so decided to make my own up!

I have a cook book I usually use and the first 2 recipes were vanilla cake and chocolate cake, perfect!
So I made both cakes and used alternate layers with butter cream and jam in the middle and then around the outside.

Here is my recipe for the vanilla layers:
                175g Butter
                175g Golden Caster Sugar
        3 Medium eggs
                175g Self-raising flour

1.  Grease two 18cm (7 inch) sandwish tins and line them with greaseproof paper. Preheat the oven to 109oC (gas mark 5).

2. Put the butter and caster sugar into a large bowl and beat them together until they are pale and fluffy.

3.  Add the eggs, one at a time, adding a spoonful of flour after each egg. Fold in the rest of the using a large metal spoon.

4. Divide the mixture evenly and level them with a palette knife.

5. Bake for 20-25 minutes until they are springy well risen.

6. Leave them to cool and start with the next flavour cake.

I found these cakes to be a bit flat, I wasn’t sure if it was the way I had mixed it or the cooking times were wrong? So I decided for the next cake to mix the flour in with the machine instead of stopping and using a metal spoon.

Recipe for the chocolate layers:
                175g Butter
                175g Golden Caster Sugar
        3 Medium eggs
                160g Self-raising flour
                3 tbsp cocoa powder

1. Grease two 18cm (7 inch) sandwish tins and line them with greaseproof paper. Preheat the oven to 109oC (gas mark 5).

2. Blend the cocoa powder with 3 tbsp of hot water and mix to make a smooth paste, then leave to cool.

3. Put the butter and caster sugar into a large bowl and beat them together until they are pale and fluffy.

4. Add the cooled cocoa mixture and beat until blended.

5. Add the eggs, one at a time, adding a spoonful of flour after each egg. Fold in the rest of the using a large metal spoon. Mix in the rest of the flour.

6. Divide the mixture evenly and level them with a palette knife.

7. Bake for 20-25 minutes until they are springy well risen.

8. Leave them to cool and start with the butter icing.

I definitely found that using the mixer for the flour made it rise much higher, either that or I did something else better!

To make up the cake I added jam and buttercream between each layer and then covered it in more buttercream (I can’t give exact amounts sorry I just made loads and saw how much it covered, you can store it for a week in a container in the fridge if there is too much).

I would probably try it again but this time mix both of the mixtures the same way and I wouldn’t use as much buttercream for it as it did get a bit sickly!
I would also experiment with different fillings and see what worked 

Love Lousia xxx

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