Tuesday 24 July 2012

Chilli in Jacket Potato

Dear Diary,

I have been making chilli for years and it is something I always fall back on when I need to make something with scraps of ingredients, and somehow it always works out pretty well! I have been asked for a while to let people know how I do it so (even though it doesn’t look very pretty) I’ve decided to give it ago.

I'm going with a jacket potato as I worked out a really quick and tasty way to make it compared to the hour + it normally takes.

1. Preheat the grill to medium heat.

2. Just get a large 200g potato and put it in the oven for 15minutes or until it’s soft when you stab it with a fork (don’t forget a sweet potato will take less time)

3. Place it in under the grill until it is browned turning occasionally then serve.

Next for the chilli, I'm afraid I don’t really know my amounts it changes to whatever is in the house! So use however much mince you want depending on amount of people (you always freeze it if you make too much!)

I used      Mince
                Tinned chopped tomatoes
                Red Kidney Beans
                Tomato puree
                Garlic puree
                Chilli powder
                Bay leaves

1. Fry the mince until brown then stir in the tinned chopped tomatoes, tomato puree and garlic purée.

2. Add the kidney beans and then the mushrooms.

3. Next add sprinkles all of the spices, add more sugar if you think it is too spicy, and add the bay leaves.

4. Taste and add any extra of any spice or puree that you think is lacking.

5. Leave on low heat for 15min stirring occasionally and adding a little bit of water if it gets to dry.

6. Take out the bay leaves, serve on top of the potato and enjoy!

I will try and work out how much of each I use so I can try and amend it next time but I hope I've not been too vague! Good luck and let me know if it works for you and if you could improve it in anyway.

Love Lousia xxx

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