Tuesday 3 July 2012

Naughty Chocolate Fudge Cake

Dear Diary,

My friend had a recipe for a cake that she wanted to give a go so we decided to see what we could do :) Id never made a cake with all sides covered by icing so I was quite looking forward to it, I have always enjoyed baking at her house as her sister bakes so there are always lots of pretty things to play with when baking!

I have always enjoyed baking at her house as her sister bakes so there are always lots of pretty things to play with when baking! The mix went really well and we got it in the oven easily (with quite a bit of mess) but that is where the easy bit ended! 

We took it out after 25min and stuck a skewer in it and nothing came out on it. Great! We thought so we put it in the pantry and left it to cool while we made more mess with the icing sugar and the kitchen. To our horror we went to get the cakes and saw that even though one was fine the other that had previously been quite big had sunken completly and the middle wasnt cooked! It seems a bubble had formed on top so we were just going through air with the skewer.

We decided to put the oven back on and put it back in to see if we could at least save the middle of it and try and cook it some more. It went in for another 10min and it ended up nice and cooked :D We cut the top off (and ate it!) and filled it with the icing and then put them together and iced all over it. We the decided to add some fudge piece on top so that it looked nice and pretty and had more of a fudge flavour. 

175g Self raising flour
2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
1 Tsp Bicarbonate soda
150g Caster sugar
2 Eggs Beaten
150 ml Sunflower oil
150 ml Semi skimmed milk
2 Tbsp Golden syrup
75g Unsalted butter
175g Icing Sugar
3 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
Drop of Milk

1.   Pre-heat oven to 180ÂșC/Gas Mark 4. Grease and line two 18cm (7 inch) sandwich tins.

2.   Sieve the flour, cocoa and Bicarbonate of Soda into a bowl. Add the sugar and mix well.

3.  Make a well in the centre and add the syrup, eggs, oil and milk. Beat well with electric whisk until smooth.

4.  Spoon the mixture into the two tins and bake for 25 - 30 minutes until risen and firm to the touch. Remove from oven, leave to cool before turning out onto a cooling rack.

5.  To make your butter icing, place the butter in a bowl and beat until soft. Gradually sift and beat in the icing sugar and cocoa powder then add enough milk to make the icing fluffy and spreadable.

6.  If the cake has risen a little to high then use a serrated knife to even off the top, now sandwich the two cakes together with the butter icing and cover the sides and the top of the cake with more butter icing.

Over all it was a really nice cake in the end and was one of those that got better the next day. Ended up putting it in a tub and just eating it with a fork. Learnt to not only skewer the cake to test it but to also press it and check that it springs back. Will try again next time!

Love Lousia xxx

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