Friday 29 June 2012

So many brownies!!!

Dear Diary,
I have not made brownies for years and my little sister is constantly commenting that hers are better (its all she can make) and the picture also looked really nice and pretty :D Sounded like a plan to me!


It took a couple of goes to get it right the first time, on a friends advice I kept it in until a skewer came out clear like a cake, as you can see this left it quite dry and looking a little bit (burnt) worse for wear!

Bad brownies!

I then tried it again and reduced the cooking time to what I thought looked good (25min), when I got round to eating them, they were much better than the previous go and gooey in the middle, but they still had the problem of being very dry on the outside and ‘sucked the moisture out of everything from the throat up’ :p and were often followed with a glass of milk.

I went for a final go that were being made for someone’s work (so they had to be better!) and took them out after 15min no matter what they looked like and they turned out amazing! Gooey on the inside and not dry on the outside, the toppings that I used were also spread perfectly so that every piece had something on it. I ended up making them smaller than was said in the book as I felt they were too big, and after giving them out and getting responses, some people were saying that they were too big, some just right and some too small, so in my reckoning they are the perfect size!

Here is the recipe I used for them:

200g Unsalted butter
150g Dark chocolate (at least 70%)
150g of Plain chocolate (at least 70%)
4 Medium eggs
150g Light muscavado sugar
125g + 1 tbsp Self-raising flour
125g Cream cheese
2 tbsp Raspberry jam

1. Preheat the oven to 200oC (gas mark 6). Grease a 23cm (9 inch) square tin and line with greaseproof paper.

2. Melt both chocolates and butter in a heatproof bowl over a pan of water, or in a microwave. When they have melted, set them aside until cool.

3. Put 3 eggs and all but 1 tsp of sugar into a bowl and whisk together until it is thick and mouse-like.

4. Fold in the cooled chocolate mixture and all but 1 tbsp of flour, and pour it into the prepared tin.

5. Put the cheese and remaining egg, 1tsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of flour into a bowl and mix well to combine. The place dollops of the cheese on the surface of the chocolate mixture, and then add teaspoons of jam.

6. Use a skewer to marble the cheese, jam and brownie mixture together and bake for 15-20 minutes so it is still gooey in the middle. Remove from tin after 10 minutes of cooling and cut into squares.

All together

I will probably leave the brownies alone for a while as I don’t think my family can take anymore, but defiantly keep that recipe for the future.

Love Lousia xxx

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