Monday 25 June 2012

Cute as a cupcake

Dear Diary,

I haven’t crocheted since I began last year, and since I'm always being told that I start a hobby and then flit to something else soon after I decided to proven them all wrong and do it again :P and try and tell everyone that it means that it is a good hobby as I keep coming back to it, and that’s why I can spend as much as I do on it....

Amigurumi Cupake

I recently found amigurumi which is crocheting things that are cute and with nice smiley faces :D so being me I decided not to just make a nice square but a little cupcake instead. At least a say cupcake, but to me it looks more like a mushroom. I'm not at the stage yet where I can use all the correct hook sizes or the fancy wools so I stick with my size 5 hook and some nice wool that I got simply because it wasn’t that expensive and looked pretty!

In the end it turned out quite well if a little holey because of the hook size, I didn’t have beads for the eyes so just used blue wool  and didn’t have the correct size thread for the (wonky) smile so again used wool, but at least it was sparkly :D It took me a couple of goes to get the cake bit right, I realised I was working in back loops only and had been for a while, but thanks to it being wool I could just pull it all out and do it again. I guess it’s just one of the many things I will learn as I go along from anything I make.

My main vice now is sewing it together so that it looks good, I have made many things before with sewing (bags, dresses) but it seems I'm either out of practise or need to learn a new technique.

In the end I learnt a lot about different types of stitches, I also learnt about crochet diagrams and how to start reading them, I think I might look into them more in the future and maybe but an amigurumi book which has both in to so I can practice. I will look into it and let you know

Love Lousia xxx

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