Friday 13 July 2012

Cheats Pizza

Dear Diary,

I'm afraid to say I cheated today L I wanted to make a pizza but didn’t have the time to make the dough or any sauce so I tried it the easy way.
Finished pizza

I had a pizza base mix from the shop so just added warm water to it and mixed it together then rolled it out, oiled up some Clingfilm to place on the dough, and left it for 15minutes.

While it was rising I cut up all of my ingredients and decided to try something different, and used a jar of tomato sauce with basil as my topping. Once the dough was ready I spooned my sauce on top and added my ingredients, then cooked according to the instructions on the pack.

In the end I thought it went rather well but noticed that the pizza was quite sweet, and it was only when I looked back after eating and realised that I had used the wrong sauce and had used one with sweet pepper in and it hadn’t really worked.

I think in the future I will try other alternatives to a tomato sauce if I am short on time but probably wouldn’t use that one again.

Sorry this one is only short but I have got lots of stuff in the pipeline to come J
Love Lousia xxx

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