Friday, 29 June 2012

So many brownies!!!

Dear Diary,
I have not made brownies for years and my little sister is constantly commenting that hers are better (its all she can make) and the picture also looked really nice and pretty :D Sounded like a plan to me!


Monday, 25 June 2012

Cute as a cupcake

Dear Diary,

I haven’t crocheted since I began last year, and since I'm always being told that I start a hobby and then flit to something else soon after I decided to proven them all wrong and do it again :P and try and tell everyone that it means that it is a good hobby as I keep coming back to it, and that’s why I can spend as much as I do on it....

Amigurumi Cupake

Pizza from scratch

Dear Diary,

It was pizza time today, I hadn’t made a pizza in a while so I decided to go crazy and make one all from scratch. Never one to do things by half I made a dough (first time) and a sauce for it (first time but not really that hard!) then just a nice topping.

From scratch...

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Dear Diary,

Decided to make a cake today. I have a friend’s 21st birthday coming up and I promised him something with lemon in it so I made a lemon drizzle cake. I don’t get to play with the ingredient very much as the people I normal bake for don’t like it!

Lemon Drizzle Cake